Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Taj Mahal!

Namaste, everyone!

We had a great time in Agra these past two days!  When we arrived yesterday, we met our guide, Gulshan and he took us to the “Baby Taj Mahal”.  Technically, it is the Tomb of I’timad-ud-Daulah, but that name doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.  This site is often referred to as the first draft of the Taj Mahal.  The mausoleum was commissioned by Nur Jahan.  She had the structure built for her parents’ tombs. 

You will be able to see the architectural similarities between this structure and the Taj Mahal.  The marble work as well as the consistent symmetry are just a few things the two buildings have in common.

After seeing the Baby Taj, we went to the back side of the REAL Taj Mahal to get a view of it at sunset.  It did not disappoint!  As we went through the gardens and got closer to it, I couldn't believe I was seeing it in real life.  It looked like it was out of a magazine!  It was a perfect introduction to the site before we visited it the following day.

"I spy with my little eye..."

Maybe my favourite picture of all time!  So happy our guide captured this moment!

While we were watching the sun set, a girl came up to me and asked if I would come with her to take a photo with her and her family.  She was so sweet and was practicing her English, so I said yes.  When I met her family, they were having a birthday party for her brother who was turning 5.  They immediately invited me to join them and after politely declining multiple times, they just wouldn't give up, and I honestly love cake so I ended up eating cake with them while I left Dad to his own devices.  It was a lovely little surprise for the day!

Birthday Boy

Mouth full of cake
We watched the sun set and then headed back to our hotel.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, this "hotel" is a bit of a sketchy place (no water, no toilet paper, no real sheets on the bed etc.) but I'm not a princess and figured this was just one of those "roughing it" moments.  However, I cannot believe how cold it was during the night.  When you think "India", you don't normally think of being cold, but at night, it can get very chilly!  Dad went to bed with two jackets and a skull cap on.  I thought he was being ridiculous.  But, in the middle of the night, there I was putting my pants, winter jacket, and a toque on in the dark.  I didn't sleep much...All part of the adventure, right??

Dad before bed

Me in the morning..
However, I wasn't going to let a lack of sleep get me down the following morning-I was going to see the TAJ MAHAL!!!  This was something I had been looking forward to since we booked our tickets to India.  I am very happy to say that it exceeded my expectations! It was absolutely stunning.


Contrary to popular belief, Dad DOES have an outfit other than his cargo pants and plaid shirt...

Our guide, Gulshan!
We had perfect weather and perfect lighting for our visit!

The Taj Mahal was built 370 years ago by Shah-Jahan as a mausoleum for his favourite wife who died giving birth to her 14th child.  We were not able to take pictures inside the building, but it was stunning.  Dad liked it so much he went in twice!

A close-up of the marble work which was incredible!

At the entrance to the tombs

Dad could NOT get enough of the Taj Mahal so I went and sat on a bench while he walked around for..ever...Maybe it just felt like forever because while I was waiting, I was a sitting duck for pictures with tourists-Chinese and Indian alike!  Without having Dad as my security, I ended up having a number of people come up and ask me for photos.  They eventually started making a cue.  It was getting ridiculous.  Eventually, I had to say "ONE PHOTO PER FAMILY" because everyone was taking a family shot, then individuals, then just the kids, then the parents etc.  It was all becoming too much.  I don't know if I can handle fame if it ever comes my way!  My face hurt from smiling for so many pictures!  I think most people were just excited to see a white person wearing a sari or something.  There were so many white people there but I guess I was the only one that wore the traditional Indian outfit.  It was nice to see that people were excited by it.

Overall, it was an incredible sight and certainly a trip a highlight for me!  There have been many things that haven't gone as predicted, but all the craziness feels worth it when these days come along!

After seeing the Taj Mahal, we went to the Agra Fort.  It is a very large, impressive military fort and palace that was built by the Muslim conquerors.

If you look closely, you can see the Taj Mahal in the distance!

We are off to Jaipur tomorrow and we are looking forward to it!  Dad and I are still having some stomach issues from time to time, but nothing that is limiting us too much...hopefully we are on the upswing of things now and the worst is over when it comes to the digestive system adjusting to the food over here!

Love and hugs to you all!


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